You can make Kapri Torta with either dried cakes or baked cakes.
For dried cakes beat 3 egg whites with 210g of sugar until foamy, and then add soup spoon of lemon juice. Turn this into a pot 25x30 cm size. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C, put the pot inside and reduce temperature to 70 degrees C. Bake for 2.5-3 hours.
To make baked "soft" cakes beat 5 egg whites with 10 soup spoons of sugar and add teaspoon of lemon juice. Bake for 10 min at 180 degrees C and 10 min more at 160 degrees C. You get soft foamy cake. For bottom cake I use dried one, and for top, baked.
To make yellow cream cook on steam leftover yolks with 200g of sugar and vanilla according to taste. When the cream cools down pour into it 250g of butter which was previously beaten to foam.
For raspberry cream let 1/2 kg of sugar boil with 200ml of water and pour into that 1/2kg of raspberries. Let it cool down for 2 hours. Separate raspberries and water. Cook leftover juice with 3 raspberry puddings (which were previously mixed with 12 soup spoons of water). When the pudding is ready mix it with raspberries. Sequence in pictures is at the and of the post.
On top of the bottom cake (dried cake) put raspberry cream and then pour molten chocolate. On the chocolate layer put the baked cake and on top of that yellow cream. Last layer is again chocolate. Decorate with whip.
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